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Teaching at My Studio for the First Time Ever!

 Even before I turned five, I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. 

The first time I had a teacher other than my mom was in kindergarten. Then, and for years after, I wanted to be a school teacher when I grew up. I would come home and play school in my room with my retired schoolbooks and worn out easel. 

When I started ballet at the age of seven, my dream began to change. I still wanted to be a school teacher, but I also began watching my ballet teachers and started to want to be one of them too.

This hope and dream continued for years. With every passing year, I wanted more and more to teach dance. At the age of 12, an amazing opportunity opened up- I got to teach a summer workshop of my own. I taught this same workshop in the summers of 2018 and 2019. 

Even though I got the amazing opportunity to teach my own workshop, I still wanted to teach at my studio. This way I could be guided in my teaching by my bosses and teachers who had more experience than me. I would also get the experience of teaching technique, which I didn't have much time for during my own workshop.

On April 21, 2021, I was sick and had to miss class that day. One of my closest friends texted me that night to catch me up on what had happened. As I read her text, my heart skipped a beat. The leadership team was looking for a Teacher Assistant for the summer workshop! But my heart sunk as I read the following part, saying you had to be 16 or older. I was almost five months too young. In disappointment I responded saying I'd love to, but couldn't because of my age. The text she responded filled me with hope. She said they might bring it down to 15, and encouraged me to talk to them and tell them about my past experiences with teaching. 

The next day, I sat down at 8:30 in the morning to text the Production and Artistic Directors, who were in charge of the hiring process. I reminded them of my past experience and told them of my goal to one day own my own dance studio. The Production Director responded encouragingly, and said she'd chat with the leadership team and would let me know if they decided to adjust the age requirement. That evening I got a text that asked if I could interview the next day. 

. . .

I walked into the studio a little nervous, but very excited. The interview was about ten minutes, and I answered each question in full honesty, not worrying about how my responses would affect my chances of being hired. After the interview, I found out there were seven other people who had applied.

Almost a week later, on the 28th, I was sitting outside the office, putting on my pointe shoes for class. The Production Director opened the office door behind me, and I heard her say, "Could we see you in the office for a minute?" I turned around, trying to figure out who she was talking to. When I saw she was looking at me, I smiled and responded as calmly as I could manage, trying not to let my excitement show too much. 

When we had sat down, she told me the decision had come down to me and another girl who had applied. They had finally decided that there was enough space for us both to teach. I told her how excited I was, then all during class I tried to focus, but I was about to burst with the news. 

Since then I've had a couple of meetings with the Artistic Director and two other peers for training on how to teach, I've met with one of the teachers I'll be assisting to learn the choreography before I have to help teach it, I've attended some leadership meetings, and I've even got to assist in a class as practice before the workshop.

My first day of teaching for the summer workshop is in five days! I'm so excited to finally be living out this dream I've had for so many years. I never would have dreamed that I would have the opportunity to teach my own workshop at the age of 12, and to be teaching at my studio at 15. If you have a dream that God has put inside you, find a way to make it happen. Sometimes there will be challenges, but you have to rise to the occasion, and with God, you can overcome it. 


Psalm 149:3~ Let them praise his name with dancing. (NIV)

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