It's easier than usual to get injured at the start of a new year of dance. In today's post, you'll learn why that is, and what you can do to prevent it.
Why are you more likely to get injured now?
One reason is, after months of no classes, or less classes than normal, you won't have the strength and stamina you had months ago. Your muscles will get tired faster, which will result in less support for your joints.
The other reason is dancers are more likely to push themselves beyond their limits. Whether it's out of excitement or an effort to prove themselves at the start of a new school year, dancers can actually work too hard.
What can you do to prevent injuries?
Now that you know why injuries are more likely to occur right now, I'm going to show you what you can do to help prevent it.
To start with, go slow. Build your body back up to what it was capable of before summer. Listen to your body, and if you feel fatigue or pain, take it easy. Only attempt things you know you can do safely and with full control.
Something you should do anyway, but mainly before classes begin is strength training. TheraBand, full body workouts, and running are great. They'll strengthen your muscles and build your stamina. Be cautious of doing workouts on top of classes for the first couple of weeks, though. Overworking your body will only lead to exhaustion and injury, which it exactly what you're working to prevent.
The last thing is creating a healthy mindset. Don't be so set on perfection that you overwork yourself along the way. If you need to sit out of grand allegro or do only single pirouettes on the first day, go for it. Warm up and stretch carefully before your classes. Cool down and soak your sore muscles and feet after. Keep yourself hydrated. Eat healthy and get plenty of protein in your diet.
Take care of this body God has blessed you with. Not everyone has the chance to be trained in the art of dance, so be grateful for the opportunity you have.
Psalm 149:3~ Let them praise his name with dancing. (NIV)
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