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Tips for Improving In Dance

  Wouldn't it be nice if you woke up one morning and could suddenly do twenty flawless fouettes, triple beats during petite, and jump five feet during grand allegro? 

We all wish it could happen overnight, but to get better at dance, you have to commit to years of hard work and dedication. But what if I told you I've got some tips for speeding up your improvement? You're in luck, because that's what I'm sharing today.

Don't cheat yourself in class. 

It's so easy to go off releve or drop your knees in the plank while the teacher's head is turned. But it's only going to take you that much longer to improve. Push yourself to your limit. My dad was talking to me recently about this, and he said that when you think you can't go any longer, go five more seconds. Then five more. Only stop when you absolutely have to. Do your best, even when the teacher isn't looking. The hard work will pay off. 

Get inspired before classes.

Interestingly, I've found that watching advanced ballerinas before I take class helps my own technique as I'm dancing. It's because I notice the skill and grace they perform with, and attempt to copy that in my own dancing. 

Don't rely on the mirror.

Becoming so used to dancing with a mirror will lead to a lot of confusion when it's taken away. You may be so used to seeing yourself dance in the mirrors that you're not even feeling the movements anymore. Get comfortable dancing without them. 

Do things outside of class.

Not only can you practice technique outside of class, but doing things like workouts, TheraBand, PlumBand, and stretching will improve your dancing significantly. There's so many other exercises you can do to specifically help with ballet, which you can find on the internet or by asking your teachers.

Video yourself.

An easy way to improve quickly is to record yourself executing a move, then to watch and analyze it, over and over, until it looks as close to perfection as possible. To find the smaller details, use the slow-motion setting.

Pick a focus.

Using a notes app or notebook, write down a focus that you have for class each day. I also like to write down something for the week, month, and year. Use stuff that you can become aware of and improve in a short amount of time for you daily and weekly focuses. For example: turnout, straight knees, core activation. Monthly and yearly goals should be things that take longer to improve, like the splits or triple fouettes. 

Keep working hard and your dedication will pay off!


Psalm 149:3~ Let them praise his name with dancing. (NIV)

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