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Back To Dance Series- Classes Start in Five Days!

Today I'm finishing up my back to dance series with an exciting announcement... I'm going back to dance in 5 days!

I've been watching so many videos lately about dance, aching to be back in the studio and to see my friends again. My classes start on August 23rd. I'm so excited... I've been looking forward to this day for so long. I'll finally be an Apprentice! I can't wait for more challenging classes, dancing en pointe more, starting partnering, and all the other perks of being in Apprentice. 

I also start teaching on my first day back. I attended a teacher training a couple of days ago to learn about my position as a teacher and all the details that come with being an instructor. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to be a teacher's assistant and I can't wait to share more about that journey on here.

Although I'm super excited, I'm still a little nervous about being in a new level, especially because it's so advanced. Because all our classes are with the Company, we will be expected to keep up and perform at the same level as them. I'm nervous about partnering too, since I've never done it. The closest I've come to it is in my swing dance class, which I took for a year. Thankfully, though, I'm getting moved up with two very close friends, so we'll get to experience it all together and relate to each other. 

I can't wait for Monday, and I know so many of you are just as excited about dance starting as I am. Let's make this a year where we achieve goals, get into healthy habits, and focus on God through it all.

Make sure to check out the rest of my posts in my Back To Dance series!


Psalm 149:3~ Let them praise his name with dancing. (NIV)

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