Merry (early) Christmas!
Christmas is almost here; only three more days! This is going to be a short post because I've got plenty on my to-do list, but I wanted to share a bit about what God has been showing me this holiday season.
I've done some Christmas devotionals this month and one of the recent ones I read was on Luke 2:19 (But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.). Can you imagine how Mary felt in the midst of that busy night when the Son of God came into the world? She had just given birth in an old stable, there were shepherds showing up soon after with their story about the angels and how they had told the whole town about it, Joseph was still by her side, and she was holding Jesus Christ in her arms. And while all this was happening, Mary stopped to reflect on God's goodness and treasure everything in her heart.
This verse is a reminder that, when we're going through good times and are being showered with blessings, we should be storing these things in our hearts and minds for when trials come. Mary knew that her Son would one day experience incredible suffering. When she stood at the foot of the cross, watching her Son die, Mary must have had to remember all the times of God's faithfulness in her life. Remembering how God has been faithful in the past will remind you that God will be faithful in the present and in the future.
God is faithful, through the good and the bad, and we can always lean on Him for strength.
Psalm 149:3~ Let them praise his name with dancing. (NIV)
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